Antonovich design студия элитных интерьеров

Our works

Architectural company Luxury Antonovich Design

The architectural company specializes in architecture, design, construction and project management. Our team of qualified experts carries out complex design works of any complexity from concept development to the architectural design of the largest multifunctional facilities. The core of our work is a multidimensional analysis that allows us to predict the result and to integrate architectural and design projects into reality. We pay special attention to the optimization process and strive to create objects that have aesthetic value.

The design company performs all stages of design work from the idea and development of design documentation to obtain permissive documentation and the implementation of architectural supervision of construction. One of the main areas of the company’s activity is interior design. We are engaged in residential and commercial interior design services, and bring our projects to the full realization on a turnkey basis.

The team design process is built on a well-coordinated work and understanding between designers and customers at each stage of the project creation. We use ultramodern technologies in our work which help to optimize the cost of construction, and our customers are able to see and understand the logic of design.

Exceptional products and services

Our company has expertise in designing for various purposes and of different complexity. We provide services — starting with customer contact who has a free piece of land and who does not understand what he will do with it. In such cases, we carry out a comprehensive analysis of the potential site, perform research, and calculate the most beneficial options. On the basis of the obtained data, we develop a concept for the development of the territory, then — the design of the layout, we carry out the approval, we do the surveying, and then we proceed to design the architectural objects.

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— Design of residential interiors

— Design of commercial interiors

— The turnkey interior design of offices, megastores, stores, restaurants, cafes, bars, boutiques, fitness centers, hotels, etc.

— Complete interior renovation

— The exclusive interior design of apartments, cottages, multi-family solutions

— Design and production of furniture and interior items


When it comes to interior design Miami, there is always very high standards and requirement in every detail and composition of materials. Being the best provider of luxury interior design in Miami, Luxury Antonovich Design always performs absolute design solutions which are being performed in the most meticulous procedure. As the team always manages to perform absolute design solutions towards every interior design in Miami, every project is being accomplished in the finest and concrete compositions with a long-lasting quality. Luxury Antonovich Design is an interior design company in Miami that offers complete project executions and development from A to Z. By achieving the finest turnkey of each property most especially in interior home design, the company and its team has been patronized by locals and foreign clients in the USA. Being the top company that offers interior home design in Miami, Luxury Antonovich Design has been recognized as the most trusted and reliable interior designer in Miami. Having its own office branch in Florida has become such a great advantage towards every client in the USA, as there will be a direct communication with the project manager and the team can be reachable any time of the day. Luxury Antonovich Design has been created different sets of luxurious contemporary interior design Miami. No Doubt that Luxury Antonovich Design has been known as the best Miami interior designers and talented interior decorator Miami. In fact, Aside from the USA, Luxury Antonovich Design is very famous for its accomplished works in different prime locations in the world and is recognized as the best South Africa Interior designers.


Developing residential properties in Brazil was indeed such a challenging task for Luxury Antonovich Design. However, with full of working dedication and hard work, the team of interior designers houses decorative in Brazil has able to perform the most fascinating and stylish mood which always meets every clients standard. By providing complete project executions from A to Z, every client has truly experienced a completely hassle-free and cost efficiency in achieving bringing their most desired property into reality whether it is a dream home, offices, commercial establishment, hotel, or even industrial projects. No doubt, Luxury is the best choice in choosing the top interior design companies in Brazil.


In Mexico City, interior designers from different companies are offering services that develop architecture and interior design. Every client and property owner that wishes to have their own properties done is having a hard time in choosing the best company that will be developing their project according to every style and requirement that they wanted to achieve. Luxury Antonovich Design is offering its extensive services for interior design in Mexico City which performs world-class standards. When it comes to the best interior design from Mexico, Luxury Antonovich Design was truly the team that has the full capacity to perform absolute design solutions and premium class services.


About us

A talented team of Luxury Antonovich Design — the architectural and interior design company will implement interior and exterior solutions of any complexity, fill your home or office with unique designer furniture and lighting of own production, create an exclusive decor, carpets and curtains, help with landscaping, completing the property and conducting architectural supervision.

The main characteristic of modern interior by Luxury Antonovich Design implemented in any stylistic direction (modern, classic, art-deco, eclectic) is a professionally modeled space, which is competently filled with light, the necessary stylish furniture and decor items, both of own design and production, as well as delivered from the best European and USA manufacturers.

A qualified and creative approach to design of home interiors and fit-out implies a harmonious combination of architecture and the interior image of the premises. Our team individually approaches each project to create a harmonious space inside you home and beyond.

The work of Luxury Antonovich Design Company under the guidance of Katrina and Elena Antonovich is completely compatible with stealing your hearts with its incredible sense of beauty and an interesting approach to filling the interior, furniture design and a subtle reception of detail.

If you are looking for ideas for a stylish and cozy interior, then we are the one you need!


Архитектурное образование является основой ее стиля, которое она умело использует в своих творческих проектах в мировой столице роскоши — Дубай. Удивительная способность предвидеть будущее в сфере архитектуры и дизайна, удовлетворять запросы уважаемых клиентов, учитывая все тонкости, связанные с их пожеланиями, и создавать настоящие шедевры роскоши, делает почерк LUXURY ANTONOVICH DESIGN узнаваемым во всем мире.

Тонкое понимание прекрасного и превосходный вкус Катрина Антонович унаследовала от своих родителей. Будучи родом из аристократической семьи благородного происхождения, талантливая Катрина Антонович является главой компании по дизайну и отделке интерьеров, работающей в различных сферах недвижимости. Наша компания предлагает комплексное решение для всего процесса строительства, ремонта и отделки — от концепции дизайна до полного завершения, от создания проекта до его фактической реализации. Наша уникальность – индивидуальный подход к каждому проекту, широкий спектр услуг в сфере дизайна, отделки и строительства, предоставляемые по всему миру, а высококачественная отделка интерьера значительно выделяет нас среди других.

Опираясь на наш тонкий вкус, которому характерны нотки роскоши, мы являемся экспертами в отделочных и столярных работах, меблировке и освещении, и предлагаем уникальные проекты «под ключ» для первоклассных жилых, коммерческих секторов, вилл и престижных резиденций.

Владелец и идеолог авторского брендового салона мебели в Дубай, Катрина Антонович и ее талантливая команда профессионалов создают дизайнерскую мебель на заказ — уникальные шедевры — коллекции мебели мирового класса, которые радуют наших клиентов высочайшим качеством, надежностью и элегантностью.

Многопрофильный опыт компании Luxury Antonovich Design отличается многолетним знанием рынка и навыками предоставления комплексных услуг по надзору за сложными строительными проектами. Наш высокий профессионализм и безупречная репутация являются подтверждением надежности нашей компании.

Luxury Antonovich Design в настоящее время предоставляет услуги по дизайну, ремонту, отделке, архитектуре и строительству на Ближнем Востоке, в США, в Европе, включая Великобританию и Россию, а также в Африке (Нигерии) и Шанхае. Штаб-квартира компании находится в таких городах, как Дубай, Майами и Лос-Анджелес.


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